Onion |
Our hybrid seeds are used in the cultivation of high quality onions that are exported and supplied in many countries of the world. Within 90-100 days after cultivation, onion becomes ready for harvest. The onions so produced are brick red in color and are tolerant to tribs and blight. The onions have a shelf life of 5-6 months and are part of our staple food. |
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Potato |
Potatoes are among the most versatile vegetables and the world’s favorite tuber crop. Only rice, wheat, and corn are more abundantly grown. The potato plant matures giving white or purple flowers, and produces a fruit that yields potato seeds. Potatoes are also readily propagated from potato parts.
The potato is also called the Irish Potato, though the tuber has even older Peruvian roots.
Potatoes are weak-stemmed plants with hairy, dark green compound leaves that look a little like tomato leaves. The plants produce underground stem tubers when mature. It is a member of the tobacco family, related to the tomato, eggplant, and pepper. |
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Tomato |
The tomato is actually a fruit, but most people think of it as a vegetable. This misnomer could be because tomatoes are so easy to grow in the vegetable garden or because they are a favorite salad recipe item. In this article, we'll talk about growing tomatoes, tomato types, selecting and serving tomatoes, and the health benefits of tomatoes.
Tomatoes are tender perennials that are grown as annuals. They have weak stems and lobed and toothed leaves that have a distinctive odor. The yellow flowers grow in clusters. Most tomatoes have vining growth habits and need a fair amount of space. Some tomatoes are described as bush varieties that will save space, but they'll still sprawl if you let them. You may still have to stake or cage the bush types. Depending on the variety, tomatoes vary by the size and shape of the fruit (cherry, plum, pear, etc.), by their color (red, pink, yellow, orange), and by their use (slicing, canning, juicing).
Tomatoes are divided into two main groups according to growth habits: determinate and indeterminate. On the determinate tomato (bush tomato), the plant stops growing when the end buds set fruit, usually at about 3 feet tall. Determinate tomatoes seldom need staking, but a single stake or short cage will help keep them confined. Determinate varieties produce a crop of tomatoes that will all ripen at one time. This type of tomato is used for canning and processing.
On the indeterminate tomato (vine tomato), the end buds do not set fruit; the plant continues to grow until it's killed by frost. Indeterminate tomatoes will get quite large, so these varieties should be staked or caged. Staked and caged tomatoes provide cleaner fruit and less loss from rot, pests, or problems that occur in warm, humid areas. In addition, they require less room for each plant.
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Carrot |
Carrots are one of the most popular and well-loved vegetables. The taproot of the carrot plant is the part that's eaten, and it comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Carrots are particularly rich in antioxidants, and are a wonderful way to add flavor and texture to many delicious vegetable recipes. In this article, we'll talk about growing carrots, selecting and serving carrots, and the health benefits of carrots.
The part of the carrot that is eaten is its taproot. See more pictures of vegetables.
Carrots are hardy biennials that are grown as annuals. They have a rosette of finely divided, fern-like leaves growing from a swollen, fleshy taproot. The root, which varies in size and shape, is generally a tapered cylinder that grows up to l0 inches long in different shades of orange. |
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Cauliflower |
Cauliflower is classified as a cruciferous vegetable, which includes broccoli and other vegetables. The wonderfully crunchy cauliflower is a hearty vegetable featured in many vegetable recipes. In this article, we'll talk about growing cauliflower, selecting and serving cauliflower, and the health benefits of cauliflower.
Cauliflower is a single-stalked, half-hardy, biennial member of the cole, or cabbage, family. It's grown as an annual, and the edible flower buds form a solid head that may be white, green, or purple. Cauliflower is more restricted by climatic conditions than other cole family members. It's less adaptable to extremes of temperature. up to l0 inches long in different shades of orange. |
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Yellow Maize Corn |
Corn is an all-American favorite. It would be difficult to image a summer barbecue without corn on the cob, or a movie without popcorn. Corn is also rich in nutrients, and a versatile ingredient in many vegetable recipes. In this article, we'll talk about growing corn, selecting and serving corn, and the health benefits of corn.
Corn, a tender annual that can grow 4 to 12 feet tall, is a member of the grass family. It produces one to three ears on a stalk. The kernels of sweet corn can be yellow, white, black, red, or a combination of colors. Corn is not the easiest crop to grow in a home vegetable garden, and it doesn't give a lot of return for the space it occupies. |
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Basmati Rice |
Our organization supplies and exports irresistible Basmati Rice. Our Basmati Rice is procured from the best farms in the country. The Basmati Rice offered by us is comprised of long grains that look very appealing. After cooking, each grain of our Basmati Rice remains separate from the other, which is not possible in other types of rice. |
Specialty |
Benefits |
Long grains |
Long shelf life |
Highly nutritious |
Mesmerizing aroma |
Extremely beneficial for health |
Enhances the flavor of side dish |
Highly appetizing |
Good to be used in a variety of dishes |
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Boiled Rice |
Plain cooked white rice can be called "boiled rice".
Also, boiled rice is a special kind of rice which is famous in south India. It's a bit reddish brown in color.
It's called Boiled rice because it takes a little more time to cook than normal rice. It's rich in starch and keeps your body cool. |
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Long Grain Boiled |
Rice is a staple and it is cooked daily. It is served as rice and peas or cooked plainly using the absorption method or by boiling and straining it. Long grain parboiled rice and long grain white rice are the two most common variety used.
Rice dishes such as Pelau, Fried Rice, Cook-up Rice, Spanish Rice etc. commonly make appearances on the dining table at weekends. We also use rice for desserts. |
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Ponni Rice |
We are exporters of Thanjavore Ponni Rice and Idly rice from one of the best automated mill in Salem,Tamil Nadu, Southern part of India.
We understand quality and purity of rice we take maximum care right from paddy procurement to final product packing.
You all aware at the moment it is been banned from India.We invite potential importers and end users to send us their requirment by mail.
This will help us to send our quote no sooner Govt. removes ban of rice from India and also helps us to cater potential customer on time. |
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Sugar |
Sugar is the generalised name for a class of sweet-flavored substances used as food. They are carbohydrates and as this name implies, are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose, fructose and galactose. The table or granulated sugar most customarily used as food is sucrose, a disaccharide. Other disaccharides include maltose and lactose. |
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